Sunday, May 24, 2020
Pakist Pakistan For Counter Terrorism And Sino Pak...
Pakistan by virtue of its geographic location started its international collaborated in 1990s during the Afghan war. After the war ended, it had to face the post war consequences as a burden of more than 3 million Afghan refugees, ever growing drug trade in neighborhood as well as Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan. Indeed the militia which fought against erstwhile USSR in Afghanistan was abruptly abandoned who found safe haven along Pakistan Afghan borders. After 9/11 the situation got complicated, Pakistan was to be fighting against those who were once trained in collaboration with CIA. Despite worst domestic pressures, Pakistan continued its commitment to international community in its counter terrorism efforts. Beside others, Ramzi Yousef and Mir Amal Kansi, the prime perpetrator of terrorists’ attacks on World Trade Center and United States embassies in Africa were apprehended by Pakistan. â€Å"Despite being the victim of terrorism itself, Pakistan has been cooperating with the international community and the US in counterterrorism efforts†. After 9/11 China sought cooperation from Pakistan for counter terrorism and Sino-Pak cooperation and ‘combating terrorism, separatism and extremism’ agreements were signed in 2005 and 2006. Meanwhile, Pakistani forces killed Hasan Mahsum, head of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and captured many suspecting to carry out terrorist attack in China. Role of Pakistan in its collaborative efforts fighting terrorism
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Children And Obesity - 783 Words
31% of children aged between 2 and 19, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), are overweight. Half of this population is considered to be obese. The rates of obesity, however, vary by age. 8 percent of children between 2 and 5 are obese. Among those between 6 and 11, 18 percent of these children are obese (Segal, Rayburn, Alejandra, 2016). Finally, 21 percent of those 12 and 19 years are obese. As mentioned before, obesity among children between 2 and 5 are decreasing. But those among age groups 11 and 19 are increasing. This may explain the constant rate of obesity among children. Variation in Gender, Race and Ethnicity The prevalence of obesity appears to have levelled off since 2003. However,†¦show more content†¦Research shows that in 2012, the prevalence of the overweight and obese children is greater among the publicly insured that those who are privately insured. The prevalence among both is 42 percent and 27.3 percent respectively. Among those who are uninsured, the prevalence of overweight children increased from 32.4 percent to 37.6 percent between 2007 and 2012 (Segal, Rayburn, Alejandra, 2016). Health insurance is correlated with better health conditions. Factors Associated With Overweight and Obesity Obesity is considered to be caused by different factors including genetic, environmental, and behavioural. Other factors can be mitigated at the individual and family level. Such factors include the amount of energy intake, the amount of physical activity, and sedentary behaviour. Obesity results from positive energy, where one takes in more calories burned. Research shows that the quality of diet remains poor among children with poor socioeconomic status. The overall diet quality, however, in the United States still remains poor. The prevalence of sugary drinks and food in children’s diet is a significant factor. The dietary guidelines for Americans claim that solid fat intake and added sugars are above the healthy recommendations (Government of the District of Columbia Department of Health, 2014). Intakes of essential nutrients such as calcium, potassium, dietary fibreShow MoreRelatedObesity And The Rate Of Children Obesity1585 Words  | 7 Pagesyears, the continuous ris ing in the rate of children obesity in America is worrisome. According to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of children obesity rise from 7% in 1980 to 12% in the course of twenty years. Many people might not compare obesity to other problems happening in the world, and deem it as important, but what they do not understand is the detrimental consequences of this epidemic on each individual facing it. Obesity can affect more than the physical attributesRead MoreObesity in Children1903 Words  | 8 PagesObesity in Children 1.0 Introduction Article 1: Obesity among School Children – Causes and Treatment Writer: Prof. Dr. Nasoha Saabin Source: Obesity among school children in Malaysia is gradually growing until the Minister of Health has issued a rule to prohibit school canteen from selling Nasi Lemak to the school children as he believes that Nasi Lemak has provided too much carbohydrateRead MoreObesity in Children507 Words  | 2 PagesObesity is an epidemic in the United States today. It is a huger problem within our children. There are many causes that contribute to this disease. Obesity in children could be caused by their lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating diets and genetic factors. Some of their effects are on cholesterol, blood pressure, the heart, the blood glucose levels and their bones. Children are the most active human beings in our life time. They are always running and playing around for fun, but that isRead MoreObesity Among Children And Children Essay1456 Words  | 6 Pages Obesity among children ages 6-18 in the United States Obesity is a major issue not only in the United States, but also around the world. It is dangerous, and it can lead to many health problems. Obesity can causes short and long term health problems; children with obesity are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, and to develop pre-diabetes. Research shows that, â€Å"In a population-based sample of 5-17-years-old, 70 percent of obese children had at least one risk factorRead MoreEffects Of Obesity On Children And Children1381 Words  | 6 Pagesaround. The children would regularly play all day long without being asked; however, nowadays the young children aren t playing enough themselves and the children need their peers to tell them to go play outside. The peers would need need to promote the children with resources to keep them moving. As a matter of fact, the lack of exercise is a major problem, and it is increasing each year; especially, the rate of disease that were found in young adults can now be f ound in young children because ofRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Children1558 Words  | 7 PagesObesity is one of the several major public health issues that researchers attempt to find interventions for. Prevalence of obesity has been increasing throughout the years, especially in children. If prevalence and incidence of obesity continues to increase in children, long term illnesses start producing, which can hinder an individual’s life span. In addition to chronic illnesses being produced, obesity can also hinder the social and psychological wellbeing. As children are growing with obesityRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Children1500 Words  | 6 PagesObesity can affect everyone and anyone and affecting nearly 25% of all North American children. It can affect one during childhood or adulthood and sometimes their whole lives if their illness is never treated during childhood. Childhood obesity has tripled in the past 30 years. In 1980, the obesity rate of 6-11 year olds was 6.5%, in 2008 had tripled to 19.6%. For toddlers and preschoolers aged 2-5, the obesity levels have risen from 5% to 12.4% in the same amount of time. (Spark, 2010). ChildrenRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On Children s Obesity Essay1277 Words  | 6 PagesChild Obesity Having obese children is a problem. The question resumes, why? Are children less active? Are they not eating the right things? Or are they a product of their parents lifestyle? Whatever the answer maybe, we must find it quick. Obesity in children Is becoming an epidemic. And the African American population is leading the way. According to WE Can!, a program of the National Institutes of health 31.7 percent of children between the age of 2-19 years old are overweight or obese. IncludingRead MoreChildren And Obesity / Nutrition1123 Words  | 5 PagesChildren and obesity /nutrition Because eating is second only to breathing . it is a critical survival behavior , its not a disease, so it can be interchangeable. It tends to be more autonomic, and stimulated more than any other behavior we are engaged in.That’s why eating is not a rational behavior, or a cognitive behavior, it stimulates the senses , such as: touch or smell . eating is instinctual, and may be controlling. In addition to this kind of mindless eating, it is part of our DNA. EatingRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Children1437 Words  | 6 Pageslink to obese children The obesity epidemic holds the responsibility to annihilate many of the health benefits that have contributed to the increased durability recognised in the world today. In 2014, approximately 41 million children under 5 years of age were affected by overweight or obesity. Today, progress in extinguishing childhood obesity has been gradual and conflicting. A greater number of children are, even from before birth, on the brink to developing obesity. Children who are not yet
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Taking Dé to the Next Level of E-Commerce Free Essays
DecorFurniture. com will utilize an off the shelf CRM application in lieu of an ERP system. Customer Relationship Management applications will enhance the marketing, sales, and customer service aspect of DecorFurniture. We will write a custom essay sample on Taking Dà © to the Next Level of E-Commerce or any similar topic only for you Order Now com by handling the data about the company’s old and future customers. The CRM application will manage the call center function to be added to the company. This will help in reaching the goal of improving the company’s relationship with its customers. Proper training will be given to the agents, briefing them on the CRM application’s goal of improving relationships in order to ensure that the cost of the program will not have to balloon out of proportion before showing results. Business Processes Business Process Improvement is an essential part of Decor Furniture. There are numerous of individuals surfing the internet in this world of fast-paced technology. There is a need for Decor Furniture to keep up with the demands of these individuals, potential customers and old patrons. There is a need, therefore, for flexibility in changing the status quo of the e-business. Web design, marketing strategies, web services used, and other applications integrated in the company’s trade must be constantly reviewed for effectiveness in the business’ growth. The online community is a fast-changing thing and Decor Furniture must constantly keep up through the upgrading of software and mechanisms. Business processes constantly monitor workflows or the way the business’ transactions flow from the start to the end. XML will be used for the company’s site. This will help in keeping the web site flexible to change given the simplicity and universality of the code. It will be used as the language to connect the workflow processes involved. The use of Wf-XML will reduce integration costs. It will also be easier to â€Å"operate†as it can be handled by anyone who is XML literate. Decor Furniture will also make use of a language translating web service in order to provide its services in different languages online. This will help in the goal of reaching more individuals with the products it offers. Business Intelligence Planning and Funding As a start-up e-business stemming from an offline company with a small target of customers, Decor Furniture will not yet employ the use of business intelligence. However, it will target the integration of a business intelligence application when the company grows and its customers and sales increase. Waiting and not implementing a business intelligence application immediately will also give ample time for planning the program. Once the business has taken off and funds have increased through the company’s profits and through outside investors attracted through the company’s highly competent marketing strategies, business intelligence will be integrated. Because business intelligence will only be applied once the company is bigger and funds are enough to sustain the program, OLAP will be an option for Decor Furniture. This is because OLAP is multidimensional and will give a wider array of choices with regard to the tasks that need to be accomplished by the system. Data mining will not be used because some studies have shown that such procedures, such as the Market Basket Analysis, are not effective. Customers may buy a certain product for different reasons not simply because of certain aspects of their identity available in the data to be mined. Assessing Decor Furniture as a Small Business Before the advent of the internet, furniture was viewed in a company’s showroom, ordered, and only then delivered to the customer’s residence or office. This process can be cut short, however, by allowing DecorFurniture. com to go online. The strategy to be applied will involve the creation of a company website which will not only serve as a brochure for the different products but which will also integrate a purchasing feature where customers can order their products and pay via PayPal or other such B2C systems. This allows the company to reach more individuals than it usually would. Even individuals not living near Decor Furniture’s main stores would be able to view and opt to buy their products. Marketing Included in the strategy planning for Decor Furniture is its aspect as an online market. As stated above, Decor Furniture will be placed on the online market because this broadens its pool of customers. Marketing will include the use of online ads, electronically mailing potential customers, and having different kinds of advertising multimedia, such as commercials on YouTube for the promotion of the products. The company’s site will be made sure to have an attractive and welcoming template. Navigation around the site will be made easier with a site map and promos will be placed on the home page to attract the potential customers to continue on to the viewing of the products. Marketing programs will be outsourced. This is to reduce costs, via cheaper labor in the outsourcing companies, and to ensure that the newly started online market of Decor Furniture will be marketed expertly even from the start. Outsourcing may be stopped in the future once the company has gained ground on the World Wide Web. Legal Matters – Privacy, IPR and Tax Along with the uncharted land of the web, many companies starting an e-business are unsure of the boundaries of their legal rights. Many customers are also afraid of violation of their own rights in purchasing over the internet. Privacy and stealing identity information keep customers on their guard. This will be avoided by including privacy policies or agreement terms on the site as well as by clear explanation of why certain information is being asked of the client. Proper paper work will be filed in the local government to ensure that taxation of the transactions done on the DecorFurniture. com site will be assured. This will ensure that the e-business’ dealings are legal and accounted for. This is probably the most essential legal aspect the company faces because its main purpose for going online is to be able to establish more customers through an online market. The domain name, company logo and tag lines will be copyrighted as well to protect the company from imitations and posers. Management Issues An important management trend that is good to keep in mind when dealing with online business is outsourcing. Running an e-business entails paying attention to numerous details that aren’t part of what your business is really about. Advertisements, creation of web designs, writing of the site’s content are all things that will be outsource in DecorFurniture. com. Going online has given Decor Furniture access to the entire world as a pool for potential customers. Through international shipping, global service will be offered. Shipping insurance as well as local tax in the customer’s country will not be part of the services available to the international customers. This will extend the possibilities for DecorFurniture. com and will take full advantage of its choice to go online. Conclusion Decor Furniture can maximize its online presence through the use of the various resources it can find available on the internet. Developing a strong presence online is essential in order to attract new customers and to spread the company’s name. Creating an impressive web site and coupling this with effective marketing strategies will help Decor Furniture become a household name when it comes to online purchasing. However, in order for the company to best have its customers keep coming back, it has to establish a good relationship with the. This can be established through CRM applications that will be integrated into the company. Eventual use of business intelligence applications, which will be capable of analyzing sales data, will also assist the company in getting to know better the customers and target audience for sales. Decor Furniture has a bright future ahead on the World Wide Web. Unlike many dot com businesses, it has a very good chance at becoming a stable success online. Through careful planning of business strategies and implementation of the same, this e-business will be booming in no time. There are many features of e-business that put it above offline businesses. Numerous aids and options are available to the online company and it can more easily reach a larger audience of individuals. However, there must be proper planning, implementation of these plans, and use of e-business strategies in order for success to be attained. Reference Vindevogel, B. , Van den Poel, Dirk, and Wets, Geert. â€Å"Why promotion strategies based on market basket analysis don’t work. †Expert Systems with Applications, 28 (1991): 583-590. How to cite Taking Dà © to the Next Level of E-Commerce, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A comparison and analysis of The Red Room, The Monkyes Paw and the Signalman Essay Example For Students
A comparison and analysis of The Red Room, The Monkyes Paw and the Signalman Essay This essay will compare and analyse the Red Room, The Monkeys Paw and the Signalman and will look at how each author build up tension and suspense. We are exposed to graphic imagery everyday in books, films etc and so is a common thing to us but people in the pre 20th century who were shocked by the tension created by the authors were as when we watch or read a book or film with tension in it we usually know when to expect it. When making a scary film, it is a lot easier to make a viewer scared as you can use music, sound effects, surprise elements and many other attributions, however, when writing a book the whole approach seems to be completely different. The writers have no special effects or music to tempt the reader, so they use very strong expressions and describe the scenery enough for you to feel you are actually there and have a picture of the scene in your mind. This also gives your imagination the chance to play a part which can sometimes be the more elaborate and chilling in design then the original description. In the Monkeys Pay the author starts by describing the night, the night was cold and wet, this is a typical ghost story setting and instantly knows that it is a sign of danger and some sort of trouble. At the start we see a close competition of chess between father and son. This competition is also cosy and safe. However in The Red Room, H.G. Wells gets the story started on the main topic straight away. In the opening paragraph he mentions ghosts and hints death by describing the womans eyes as pale eyes which is associated with death. Many subtle threats are made in the first paragraph, It is your own choosing, which is repeated twice and she swayed her head slowly from side to side. Also in the opening of the story we see a servant/master relationship between the first two characters which we were introduced to. The opening line Halloa! Below there! plunges us immediately into the story, telling us that we must be attentive in order to follow the story. It also makes our imagination start to ask questions, for example; who is saying this? Who are they speaking to? This is a good method to gradually build up tension. The ghosts repetitive behavior makes us feel anxious. The ghost always shouts, Halloa! Below there! He waves his arm and covers his eyes. Dickens portrayal of the tunnel and the cutting is very detailed, and is expressed through use of onametipeigei words. For instance; zigzag and gloomy these words get an apparent image of the cutting and this tunnel, resulting in us feeling we are involved in the story. The signalmans appearance is quite peculiar as is his behavior. He looks at the bell when it does not ring and talks of a ghost. His eyebrows are thick and his skin tone is odd. Painting a picture of a mysterious looking man. When we hear the signalmans story, it is one with such a horrific plot that we become drawn in. When the author continuously interrupts it, we become more anxious and become desperate to hear the rest of the story. Dickens use of painful personification, like angry sunset and violent pulsation contributes greatly to the stories impact. Short sentences and repetition also make us feel tense. Possibly the fact that Dickens does not give the signalman a name shows that he is considered unimportant to most people. Dickens may want us to argue against this view and to think that all human beings are important. .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 , .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .postImageUrl , .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 , .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75:hover , .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75:visited , .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75:active { border:0!important; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75:active , .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75 .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue025233820131971778702d2132fed75:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bean Trees By Kingsolver EssayDickens uses his narrative style to set the scene and describe the movement of characters. The narrator describes the railway cutting signal box as a solitary and dismal place, with dripping wet walls of jagged stone, and appeals to our senses by saying that that the tunnel has an earthy, deadly smell. The narrator also observes the signalman attentively and describes his movement. The following quotes from The Signalman show this, He was several times interrupted by the little bell, and had to read off messages and send replies, he continues, I observed him to be remarkably exact and vigilant, breaking off his disclosure at a syllable, and re maining silent until what he had to do was finished. This allows us to imagine that we are in the room with the signalman, watching him as he works, noting every detail of his movement and actions. Dickens writing style makes us feel we are actually there, watching the events of the story. The following quote describes demonstrates the effects of Dickens narrative style, it was made through a clammy stone that became oozier and wetter as I went down. This allows us to feel as if we are walking down the zigzag path. Although this is very realistic, this style has limits. This also adds to the mysterious atmosphere.
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