Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Terrorism in Indonesia essays
Terrorism in Indonesia essays There are a lot of Islamic terrorist groups in Indonesia, which mainly include Darul Islam, the Islamic Defender's Front and Laskar Jihad. Many members are from the fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The US retaliation for the terrorist attacks are arousing the sympathy of the members with other Muslims in conflicts. At the same time the conflict between Islamites and Christans are increasing the hatred between them. So these groups are strongly against Occidentals and vow to attack them. Indonesian Islamic groups make a great threat to the the people all over the world. They make a lot of terrorist attacks in the country. For example, they kidnaped many foreign guests and killed them. They produced two car bombs near Sari Club and Padi Club in the heart of Kuta in October, 2002. This explosion killed 187 people and 300 hundred were injured. The Indonesian government is facing many difficulties in solving the civil terrorist groups. First it is the largest Islamic country. Nearly 87 Per people are Muslims. If the government just suppress them directly, it may be overthrown by these terrorist groups. But Indonesian government is also pressured by the House. The House is calling for it to support the war on terrorism and control the civil situation. So the government of Megawati will have to compromise and face many problems. To moderate Indonesian Muslims and control the terrorist attacks Indonesian should first supervise all kinds of civil parties and communions, try to relax the conflict of different races and establish their mutual trust. On the other side the government should unite with international force and attack terrorism hand in hand. Thus terrorism can be controled in this multinational country. www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/CIB/2001-02/02cib06.htm http://online.cri.com.cn/772/2002-10-13/69@104406.htm fsyz.com.cn/xuexiao/feshan/dh/kzxx/pzy.htm ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Ammonium Nitrate Facts and Uses
Ammonium Nitrate Facts and Uses Ammonium nitrate is the nitrate salt of the ammonium cation. It may be considered the ammonium analog to potassium nitrate or saltpeter. Its chemical formula is NH4NO3 or N2H4O3. In pure form, ammonium nitrate is a crystalline white solid that readily dissolves in water. Heat or ignition readily cause the substance to ignite or explode. Ammonium nitrate is not considered toxic. Options for Obtaining Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium nitrate may be purchased as a pure chemical or collected from instant cold packs or some fertilizers. The compound is most commonly prepared by reacting nitric acid and ammonia. Its also possible to prepare ammonium nitrate from common household chemicals. While it is not difficult to make ammonium nitrate, it is dangerous to do so as the chemicals involved can be hazardous. In addition, it can easily become explosive when mixed with fuels or other chemicals. Ammonium Nitrate Uses and Sources Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound used in agriculture as a fertilizer, to make pyrotechnics, as an ingredient in cold packs, and for science demonstrations. Its also used to create controlled explosions in mining and quarrying. It was once mined as a natural mineral (niter) in the deserts of Chile, but it is no longer available except as a man-made compound. Because ammonium nitrate may be misused, it has been phased out in many countries.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Abortion Survivor Stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Abortion Survivor Stories - Essay Example The most dominating risks include damage to mother’s fertility in future and increased chance for maternal mortality (Paxson 125). Usually women prefer medical abortion as more natural or safe process but statistics entail a considerable number of cases that face abortion failures and the most common after-effects of medical abortion include heavy bleeding, Thrombosis, infection and even death, similarly, surgical abortion may lead to anesthetic complications, hemorrhage in addition to infection and death. The most prominent complications that cause abortion failures include perforation of the uterus and cervical lacerations (Abortion Clinics). An abortion success may eradicate mother from unwanted pregnancy, may release her from the pain of labour and all painful period, but abortion failure; on the other hand, may lead to increased risks and damages to health and life of both, mother and the child (Abortion Clinics). 1. Melissa Ohden is an abortion survivor who was born under very bad circumstances back in 1977. Her mother decided to abort her child when she was seven months pregnant, as she was not content with this pregnancy. Melissa was thought to be aborted with the help of saline abortion where a saline solution surrounds the fetus eventually causing burning and thus killing of fetus. However, Melissa survived due to ineffectiveness of this saline abortion in immediate time. As saline abortion requires quite long periods of time to get complete and therefore, Melissa was lucky enough to live and grow. Finding, Melissa was still surviving in the womb, the mother decided to throw her out after her birth. So, Melissa was put in the garbage where a nurse found her crying and therefore saved her life. Melissa now holds a Master’s degree in social working. She gave birth to her own child in 2008, in the very same hospital where her mother has tried to abort her once. She is livng a happy a nd content life and raising
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 2 Essay
IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 2 Discussion Board - Essay Example The main competitive advantage that the company has over the others is the fact that it is started by companies that hold as much as 80% of the sir travel industry. The biggest competitor however is Travelocity. The company has created a strong database for itself and gives the Orbitz as well as the companies a huge competition. This site is very beneficial to the users as it allows the users to get the lowest possible fares as well as allows users to book for hotels and complete vacation packages online itself. The website provides exceptional benefits to the users by providing offers and reasonable discounts. This site creates value since it allows the users to avoid the reservation fees that are generally charged by the other websites and hence it is very beneficial to the customers. Orbitz is definitely the industry’s bellwether. The website provides the other websites with stiff competition because it has removed the reservation charges and the high costs of operations. This created a complete revolution to the online travel world and it has helped create a more fair deal for the customers and avoiding the operational costs of the website to be charged upon the customers. This website is more customer centric than any other. The company’s business model has been through a number of issues in the past. It has been charged for creating a monopoly in the market and for creating a higher hand over other due to the backing of the five major companies. Also it has been accused of being under the antitrust act and also being a cartel. However the company was then recognised not to be a cartel and the growth of the company was justifiable. The company now faces a number of risks as there are several newer companies and better facilities that are available by the other companies. The company has already sold a part of the travel port to Blackstone Group for as much as $4.3 billion. Blackstone in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Story of the Star Spangler Banner By Ryan Jacobson Essay Example for Free
The Story of the Star Spangler Banner By Ryan Jacobson Essay This book is about the history of our National Anthem that was written amidst the war between the people of Maryland who were attacked by a British Fleet. This happened between 1812 and 1814 at the Fort Mc Henry where the faith of the country rested in the waiving of the flag. For 24 hours, the American flag stood still despite constant attacks by the enemies. Both parties decided that a flag truce will determine the winner of the war; in short, the last flag standing will be the victor. The climax of the story happened a little over midnight when the firing stopped and there was silence. The soldier named Francis Scott Key which is also the main character of the story together with a friend soldier of his was held captive by the British Fleet. When dawn came they looked at Fort McHenry to see which flag is waving in the air and to be called the victor. Just as the first ray of light hit the flag they saw that it was still stars and stripes and not that of the British Fleet. In joy Mr. Key took from his pocket a pen and paper and there in the oddest place a soldier could be during a war, a boat beside the British Fleet, he wrote the poem â€Å"The Star-Spangled Banner†with all the pride and joy he have at that very moment.The British Fleet lost the battle and Mr. Key went back to the shore and gave the copy of the poem to his uncle who printed it. The soldiers sang the poem in the tune of â€Å"To Anacreon in Heaven†and since then many loved to sing the song.            The book tells us a lot about the events that led to the making of our national anthem which is The Star Spangled Banner. This is good since most of the children’s books that are written about the song just tell us about the meaning of the lyrics of the song word for word. The book by  Ryan Jacobson says a lot about the detail and event that let Mr. Key into writing the song which years later, in 1938, was officially declared our national Anthem. I take pride and honor when hearing the song and watching our flag wave as a symbol of victory and freedom since it reminds me of how Mr. Key and the rest of our ancestors fought for our land. Source:            Jacobson, R. 2006 The Story of the Star-Spangled Banner, USA
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How People with Autism Experience the World Essays -- Science Scientif
How People with Autism Experience the World Many of us have heard of the neurological disorder called autism, and have a general sense of what the term "autism" means and all of the typical behaviors that belong in its category. Yet, I must question how many of us out there who do take an interest in autism really understand how having this disorder can totally distort one's perception of what one experiences in the world. A person with autism senses things differently than we normally do, and also responds to them in other ways – what we would call "abnormal behaviors". Why is this so? According to scientists, MRI research studies have shown that the brains of autistic individuals have particular abnormalities in the cerebellum, brain stem, hippocampus, amygdala, the limbic system, and frontal cortex (7). This provides substantial evidence that autistic behaviors must be in some way caused by these abnormalities. The problem is that we do not know exactly how or why these abnormalities cause someone with autism to experience the world differently than we do. This underlying issue of autism has always greatly intrigued me, and yet the topic of sensory integrative dysfunction in autism has been overlooked for many years. Articles and documents addressing this feature of autism have begun to appear only recently. While conducting research for my paper, I found it a challenge to find articles that specifically talked about this topic that I desired so much to learn about. Thus, the ultimate goal of my discussion is to reveal a misunderstood, hidden world – the complicated sensory dysfunctions that underlie autistic spectrum disorder. What have we found out so far about how people with autism experience the world? Al... ...s and Communication Disorders http://www.autismtoday.com/articles/Auditory_Processing_Problems.htm 8)Autism Today Page, An Inside View of Autism http://www.autismtoday.com/articles/An_Inside_View_of_Autism.htm 9)Pub Med Page, Nicotinic Receptor Abnormalities in the Cerebellar Cortex in Autism http://www.brainbank.org/HtmNew/Abstracts/LeeM.html 10)Pub Med Page, Stereological Evidence of Abnormal Cortical Organization in Individuals with Autism http://www.brainbank.org/HtmNew/Abstracts/Hutsler.html 11)Autism and Related Conditions Page, Sensory and Motor Disorders http://www.ratbag.demon.co.uk/anna/asa/definitions/sensory.html 12)National Center for Biotechnology Information Page, Neurofunctional Mechanisms in Autism http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 13)Autism Today Page, Sensory Disorder http://www.autismtoday.com/articles/Sensory_Disorder.htm
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Difference and Similarity in Culture
Do you like your own culture? People often say â€Å"culture is a symbol of our country. †I agree with this opinion, for I think culture helps the people learning about foreign country to understand what the country is. Then, how has our own culture been formed? Needless to say, culture has the long-term history, which gives the office to us to understand how it was formed. Today, I plan to talk about Japanese ancient culture by verifying the cultural difference and similarity between Edo and Meiji era. Edo era, the longest period in Japanese history, was said to be a turbulent period. However, people in the old days lived strongly and formed their original culture. One of them is clothes. Please look at figure 1. This is a picture of a person living in Edo era. We usually call the people like him samurai. They always wore kimonos, the Japanese traditional clothes, with wearing two swords. It is called â€Å"Taitou†. Edo was also a hellishly dangerous period, so samurai had to carry swords for self-defense, whenever they went out. Samurai’s hairstyle is also so unique. The person in figure 1 ties his hair in a topknot. In Japan, samurai sometimes cut the topknot of the opposite commanding general instead of taking his head, when they win the war. Please look at figure 2. This is a Japanese traditional transportation, and we call it â€Å"Kago†. When lords go out, they use â€Å"Kago†by making two people shoulder it. It was said to be so useful that many people were willing to use it. However, it was also said to take a long time to arrive at their destinations. Figure3| Figure4| Meiji era, the most progressive period in Japanese history, was said to be the best period, in terms of culture. Those days, the Edo shogunate was perished, and the new government decided to take in Western cultures as a part of modernization policy. I will introduce some of them. First, look at figure 3, please. His clothes were different from what people in Edo era wore. They were called â€Å"Western clothes†. In seeing this style in downtown, people often said â€Å"He is Haikara†. Haikara means fashionable in Japanese. ) His hairstyle is also a kind of Haikara. It was called â€Å"Zangiriatama†. At first, Meiji government restricted the topknot, and recommended â€Å"Zangiriatama†as an alternative idea, but it became popular, unnoticed. Next, look at figure 4, please. This is a picture of SL. It was introduced to Japan in the beginning of Meiji. At first, people thought it as a kind of â€Å"Kago†, but they were surprised at the excessive speed, when they saw the SL work. One person said, â€Å"I can move so fast as if I were a swallow. †As you see, culture has its own history and it is different each other. However, all of them are necessary for one country. If it were not for culture, countries could not have their originality and identity. Therefore, we must cherish our own culture. As a conclusion, I suggest that we should always be creative and affirmative to our own culture, for the attitude keeps and improves it.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
America Foreign Policy
The trade embargo placed by the United States on Cuba involves financial, economic and commercial restrictions that were first placed on Fidel Castro’s government in 1962. It was as a result of the government expropriation of assets and properties of US nationals and corporations. The embargo was first suggested and implemented by president Kennedy’s government on the charge that there was lack of democracy in Cuba not only in respect to the Cuban nationals but also to other nationals.In essence, the embargo restricted certain economic and financial transactions between the nationals of the two countries whether directly or indirectly in regard to the use of a third country or national of such a country. The embargo started with the introduction of an import quota on sugar imported from Cuba by several millions. This was met by an agreement by the Soviet Union to by the rest of the sugar from Cuba. Still, the Cuban government under the leadership of Fidel Castro continu ed to take further actions on businesses owned by American national, confiscating most of it.The US government retaliated by expanding the trade restrictions even further especially because of the alignment of Cuba with the Soviet Union in the cold war which caused the Cuban missile crisis. Later, the US government imposed travel restrictions to its nationals restricting them from traveling to Cuba. Further down the line, the US government charged the Cuban government of hosting Soviet Union nuclear weapons and since the union was an enemy in the cold war, regulations were put in place to freeze any Cuban assets in the states and to further consolidate the restrictions put on the country.Various restrictions has since been put in place which include restriction on the amount of money spent by a US national on the Cuban island, restrictions on the forms and amount of gifts that a US national can give to a relative in Cuba or a Cuban national among others. Furthermore, the US governme nt restricted any company that is involved in trade activities in Cuba from entering the US economy on the argument that such a company would be trafficking assets from US to Cuba. To date, most of the trade restrictions placed on Cuba and expenditure restrictions placed on US nationals and corporations still stand.Despite efforts by some of the activists and United Nations has been meeting a dead end with previous and current presidents of the US suspending bills and efforts aimed at lifting the embargo. Despite the fact that some valid reasons were used in basing the embargo and the fact that the US government and its nationals are not affected much by the Embargo, the effects of it are not only affecting the unintended but also affecting the US economy in ways which were unintended. Efforts by activists and the UN are still unsuccessful despite the dire consequences that the embargo has had.In essence, while today the embargo is much founded on democracy issues in Cuba, it goes a step further to restrain the achievement of democracy in the country, punishing Cuban citizens as opposed to the Administration. The purpose of the paper is to expound on the benefits that can be achieved by lifting the embargo not only to Cuba but also to the US and its citizens in general. Why the Embargo should be lifted As observed earlier, various efforts to lift the restrictions on Cuba and American travelers have continuously been rejected both by the President and the congress.On the contrary, the US government has eased a little following pressure from some of the activists. For example, agribusiness organizations and American farmers put the government under pressure to lift some of the restrictions which saw the allowance of sale of medicine and agricultural goods only for humanitarian reasons. Still, many of the restrictions still are in place and there exist no evidence that these restrictions will be lifted any time soon. In light with the embargo, Cubans and scholars have argued that the embargo has and still is affecting negatively the resources of the Cuban nationals as opposed to those of the government.This raises many humanitarian issues in regard to the US government especially considering that the embargo was as a result of democracy issues in Cuba. It has been argued and it is true to a greater extent that the economic damage that arises as a result of the embargo is to some extent responsible for the problems associated with transportation and food shortage in Cuba. As argued by some governments and activist, the embargo has had dire effects on medicine supplies, food and other economic needs of Cubans.This by extension has resulted in vulnerability in infectious diseases and epidemics including malnutrition. The restrictions also have negatively affected the flow of medical information in the country thus resulting to diseases that would otherwise be easily dealt with. The rationing system that results as a result of food shortage hav e greatly affected men and the elderly since designed to give preference to women and children. On another view, the embargo has greatly influenced the capacity of US investors in Cuba but more so have affected non American investors in Cuba.In this context, investors who have interests in the US economy have been reluctant or have been restricted by the law from investing in Cuba. As such, the embargo is not only affecting the Cuban and the American nationals but also the nationals of other countries as well. Moreover, it has continuously threatened diplomatic relationship of US and other countries in regard to the dealings and transactions of these countries and Cuba. In any case, while the embargo gives the Cuban government a scapegoat for problems not directly associated with the embargo, it gives a head start for non US businesses in Cuba should it be lifted.In this regard, these businesses have already established firm foundations to be shaken by the competition that would ari se from the lifting of the trade embargo. In general, while the embargo is aimed at improving the democracy and the compliance with human rights, it has continuously affected these rights negatively making it non humanitarian itself. It is worth noting that it an inadequate reason for the US government to argue that it is involved in charity work aimed at giving medical and food supplies to Cubans.On the other hand, the bureaucracy involved in this charity work has greatly affected its effectiveness in Cuba. Charity organizations and other non governmental organizations have faced delays as a result of the licensing process involved and transportation problems. It also represent a violation of international law as provided for by the United Nations Charter. In this context, the fact that the embargo directly condemns the sale of certain food products and medical products abuses the human right of accessing life saving medical supplies.Further Arguments As it stands out, the trade em bargo imposed by US government hinders free trade between the two countries. While the US government is highly dependent on home production, it does not mean that it has a comparative advantage on all it consumables thus it is forced to import some of it consumables from other countries. This implies that there is an existence of free trade between US and these other countries. One of the major advantages of free trade is that it promotes liberalization of the economies involved.As such, by maintaining the trade embargo on Cuba, the US is denying the Cuban economy better grounds for liberalization. In essence, the Cuban economy can not be open to American investors nor is it open to non US investors who have interests in both countries. In this context, the US economy is and continues to lose the advantages that are associated with the liberalization of the Cuban economy just like any other economy. In fact, it would be irrational to argue that the economy of Cuba has little to offe r to that of US.On the other hand, Cuba has been famous of having a comparative advantage on sugar production. It is imperative that the US economy can obtain such goods from other economies but the question remain, how cheap would it attain them from the Cuban economy. A good example is the tourist potential of Cuba. Travel restrictions have greatly affected the realization of benefits in Cuban tourist industry as the US government restricts its nationals in visiting the island and in the maximum amount of dollars that can be spent on the island on any given day.Moreover, free trade allows the manifestation and improvement of diplomatic relationship between the countries involved. While the problem in Cuba is a political one, trade embargo does not help in solving other problems in the country especially social and humanitarian’s one. It has over and over been argued that as opposed to a trade embargo, the problems in Cuba can only be solved by changing the communist politic al organization in the country. In light with these, the US government should first lift the embargo then embark on measures that are aimed at filling the loopholes in the Cuban political system.In any case, the embargo like others placed on other countries such as Iraq will only give the Cuban administration a reason to cling further to it political system. While, the US government restrict the provision of certain services to Cubans as was evident in the situation where the US government stressed Starwood hotels to chase away Cuban delegate who had attended the US- Cuba Trade Association, the Cuban government is also justified to retaliate in any way they think will bring equality. Such retaliation will only worsen further the diplomatic relationship between the two countries.Still, free trade helps in increasing the amount of foreign currency held by a given economy. With the reduction of economic aid by the soviet, Cuba has been experiencing may economic problems most of which i s as a result of lack of foreign currency to service debts secured from Asian countries. As a result, the living standards of Cuban nationals have greatly depreciated. In this context, it is a fallacy for the US government to argue that all the humanitarian problems in Cuba are as a result of bad governance.In essence, the US governments and it allies whether countries, corporations or individuals have greatly contributed to the decline in humanitarian welfare in Cuba. By placing sanctions on allies dealing with Cuba and by closing it economy from Cuba, the US government denies Cuba a chance to earn foreign currency and by extension impacts heavily on the livelihood of Cubans. Perhaps the most obvious advantage of free trade is that it increases the living standard of the nationals of the two respective economies.In this regard, free trade increases the availability of a variety of goods and services to the populations of the two countries. For one, the population has a variety of q uality products to choose from and secondly, these products are available at a cheaper price keeping in mind the concept of comparative advantage. Buying these products a cheaper price will increase the real purchasing power of the constituents of the population giving them the capability to save and invest in other areas of the economy.It would therefore be worthy to the Cuban nationals if the US government lifts the embargo as this will help in not only reducing their dependence on other economies through charity works but it would also improve their living standards. Since the US government and economy is highly involved in charity work to help Cubans, the lifting of the ban would also go a long way in helping the economy to develop given the nature and the cost of the resources used for charity work. Another advantage of free trade is that it helps in improving the infrastructure of both countries and this is inclusive of both transport and communication.While the US trade embar go on Cuba can be seen as restricting the movements of goods and services, restrictions have been put in place which restricts the docking of Cuban ships on American docks. Similarly, there have been travel restrictions especially in regard to US citizens. In light with the restrictions and with the poor diplomatic relationship between the two countries, the infrastructures of the two countries have suffered though not in direct terms. For example, flights operating between the two countries have been rerouted as no of the country want the other to intrude in her air space.Situations as these have increased the cost of transport between the two countries and have even hindered the movement of goods and services especially for Cuba since it has to use long routes to import goods thus a high cost of importation. Such a poor infrastructure has also been accused of harboring poor flow of medical information into Cuba and by extension increasing the persistency of epidemics and diseases in the country. Free trade encourages the increase in the level of investment opportunities between the respective countries while at the same time increasing foreign direct investments.This on the other hand helps in raising the living standards of the population of the two countries. Should the government lift the trade embargo, investment opportunities will sprout in the two countries. As a result, even if the US does not directly participate in investing in the Cuban economy, other multinational companies will seek investment opportunities in the country. In essence, those allies of US who have been reluctant to invest in the country will reconsider their stand. Moreover, the multinational companies in Cuba will also seek investment opportunities not only in the American economy but also in the economies of its allies.This will earn foreign currency for all the participating countries but more so will help in raising the living standards of Cuban nationals. As evidence has shown , the confiscation of Cuban assets including money held in banks, the government is only further aggregating the problem as the Cuban government is bound to take equal measures of counter attack and this can only add up to a web of tit for tat game. In addition to the above, free trade is also important in that it helps in increasing employment opportunities in the respective countries.As is the case with the living standards, creation of employment opportunities is integrated with other factors such investment and specialization. As stated earlier, free trade creates investment opportunities which by extension create employment opportunities while at the same time improving the living standards of the nationals. In addition, free trade increases the economies of scale which means more investment and earnings from the existing investments. This will also help in creating employment opportunities for the citizens of the two countries.In this light, it would be more advantages if the US government considers the probability of lifting the embargo as this would benefit not only the economy of Cuba but also its own economy. It would help in raising the living standards of Cubans thus reducing the level of poverty and dependence in the country. Finally, free trade helps in the harmonization of labor policies between the two countries thus offering cheap and affordable labor term. On top of this, free trade allows increased mobility of factors of production.As stated earlier, the fact that the US economy is capable in producing most of its consumables does not necessarily mean that it has a comparative advantage in production of all of them. If the embargo is lifted, the US economy will be able to expand its base in relation to factors of production thus improving on the productivity of its economy. With the advantage arising from the geographical positions of the two countries, the US economy is capable of importing factors of production from Cuba at a lower cost an d in time thus increasing productivity in its industries.Goods can also be exported to Cuba not just for charity work but also for earning foreign currency. Conclusion As is evident following the above discussion, it is evident that the US by placing the embargo on Cuba, the US government has denied the Cuban economy to grow and by extension, it has denied Cubans the opportunity of enjoying a high standard of living. While the argument still remains that the embargo is aimed at improving the democracy in Cuba, it should be known to the US government that this has only resulted to more humanitarian problems than there was before the embargo.It is therefore important for the US government to accept the fact that what is needed in Cuba as opposed to trade embargos is to change the whole political system. As such, the US government should lift the ban and look for other economic and political ways of influencing Cuba. Reference: Arnson Cynthia, 1993. Crossroads: Congress, the President and Central America, 1976-1993. Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State University Press, pp. 17 Bhaqwati Jaqdish, 2002. Free Trade Today. United States, Princeton University Press, pp.34 Fawn Rick, 2003. Ideology and National Identity in Post Communist Foreign Policies. London, Frank Cass, pp. 32 Gianaris Nicholas, 1998. The Northern American Free Trade Agreement and the European Union. Westport CT: Praeger Publishers, pp. 23 Louis A. 1995. Essays on Cuban History: Historiography and Research. Florida, University Presses of Florida, pp. 45 McGillion Chris, 2002. Unfinished Business: America and Cuba after the Cold War, 1989-2001. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 19 Pierce Anne, 2004.The American Foreign Policy Tradition: Inspiration for Troubled Times. World and I, Vol. 19, pp. 56 Showalter D. 2007. Debating Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Foreign Policies, 1933- 1945. The Historian, Vol. 69, pp. 87 Ted Hopf, 2002. Social Construction of International Politics: Identities and For eign Policies, Moscow, 1955 and 1999. Cornell University Press, pp. 90 William M. 1998. Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America, 1977-1992. United States, University of North Carolina Press, pp. 41
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Polyprod and Ben Jerrys-Case analysis
Polyprod and Ben Jerrys-Case analysis The first activity in planning and implementing organisational change is to motivate commitment to it. The activity of motivating change aims to prevent the failure of change efforts by attending to the tasks of creating readiness for change and overcoming resistance to change (Cummings Worley, 2009). In our cases of two very different organisations, high-tech product manufacturer and distributor PolyProd, and Vermont-based ice-cream maker Ben Jerry's, a lack of motivation to change would doom any proposed organisational development intervention to failure. A first step in ensuring that this does not happen is to address both readiness for and resistance to change in each company. In considering the key issue of how to motivate change at the very outset of an intervention, we are most concerned with creating readiness for change and overcoming resistance.In PolyProd, a non-integrated organisational structure combined with previously failed change efforts have created significant re sistance to change; however, the widespread sense of hurt arising from an unsatisfactory status quo could be tapped to create readiness for change.Ford KugaTDCi, Gen1 (from 2008), BEN Jerry's, rapid growth and a "laid back" leadership style have contributed to their evolution into an under-organised company, with negative impact on working conditions. Readiness for change is palpable throughout the company, yet there is strong resistance to change from the founders, the eponymous Ben and Jerry. The founders are the defenders of company core values which put people first, yet change is needed to ensure that at the operational level the needs and aspirations of employees are actually met. Listening to each other's concerns empathetically and in an environment of trust would allow the alignment of goals resulting in a collaborative motivation to change.Motivating for Successful ChangeAlthough change...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Chinese Hospitality Customs
Chinese Hospitality Customs Chinese culture is very much centered on the concept of respect. The concept is pervasive in ways of conduct from special traditions to everyday lives. Most Asian cultures share this strong association with respect, particularly in greetings. Whether youre a tourist passing through or looking to make a business partnership, be sure to know hospitality customs in China so that you dont accidentally seem disrespectful. Bowing Unlike in Japan, bowing to one another as a greeting or parting is no longer necessary in modern Chinese culture. Bowing in China is generally an act reserved as a sign of respect for elders and ancestors. Personal Bubble As in most Asian cultures, physical contact is considered extremely familiar or casual in Chinese culture. Therefore, physical contact with strangers or acquaintances is considered disrespectful. It is generally reserved only for those with whom you are close. A similar sentiment is expressed when it comes to exchanging greetings with strangers, which is not a common practice. Handshakes In line with Chinese beliefs surrounding physical contact, shaking hands when meeting or being introduced in a casual setting is not common, but has grown more acceptable in recent years. But in business circles, handshakes are given without hesitation especially when meeting with Westerners or other foreigners. The firmness of a handshake is still reflective of their culture as it is much weaker than the traditional Western handshake to demonstrate humility. Hosting The Chinese belief in respect is only further demonstrated in their hospitality customs. In the West, it is commonplace for the guest to show respect for his or her host with the emphasis placed on proper guest etiquette. In China, it is very much the opposite with the burden of politeness placed on the host, whose main duty it is to welcome their guest and treat them with great respect and kindness. In fact, guests are generally encouraged to make themselves at home and do as they please, though of course, a guest would not engage in any socially unacceptable behavior. Saying Welcome in Chinese In Mandarin-speaking countries, guests or customers are welcomed into the home or business with the phrase æ ¡Ã¨ ¿Å½, also written in the simplified form as æ ¬ ¢Ã¨ ¿Å½. The phrase is pronounced ââ€" º huÄ n yà ng (click the link to hear a recording of the phrase). æ ¡Ã¨ ¿Å½ / æ ¬ ¢Ã¨ ¿Å½ (huÄ n yà ng) translates to â€Å"welcome†and is made up of two Chinese characters: æ ¡ / æ ¬ ¢Ã‚ and è ¿Å½. The first character, æ ¡ / æ ¬ ¢Ã‚ (huÄ n), means â€Å"joyous,†or â€Å"pleased,†and the second character è ¿Å½ (yà ng) means â€Å"to welcome,†making the literal translation of the phrase, â€Å"we are pleased to welcome you.†There are also variations on this phrase that are worth learning as a gracious host. The first fulfills one of the primary hospitality customs, which is offering your guests a seat once they are inside. You can welcome your guests with this phrase:Â æ ¡Ã¨ ¿Å½Ã¦ ¡Ã¨ ¿Å½ è «â€¹Ã¥ (traditional form) or æ ¬ ¢Ã¨ ¿Å½Ã¦ ¬ ¢Ã¨ ¿Å½ è ¯ ·Ã¥ (simplified form). The phrase is pronounced ââ€" ºHuÄ n yà ng huÄ n yà ng, qÇ ng zuà ² and translates to â€Å"Welcome, welcome! Please have a seat.†Should your guests have bags or a coat, you should offer them an additional seat for their belongings, as placing things on the floor is considered unclean. After guests have been seating, it is customary to offer food and beverage, along with pleasant conversation. When it is time to go, hosts often see the guests off well beyond the front door. The host might accompany his or her guest to the street while they wait for a bus or taxi, and will go as far as waiting on a train platform until the train leaves. 我們éš ¨Ã¦â„¢â€šÃ¦ ¡Ã¨ ¿Å½Ã¤ ½ (traditional form) / 我ä » ¬Ã©Å¡ æâ€" ¶Ã¦ ¬ ¢Ã¨ ¿Å½Ã¤ ½ (simplified form) ââ€" ºWÇ’ men suà shà huÄ n yà ng nÇ can be said when exchanging final goodbyes. The phrase means â€Å"We welcome you anytime.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Coronary artery disease prevention screening Essay
Coronary artery disease prevention screening - Essay Example The symptoms can stay in the body of a person for more than five years without him or her noticing. This technique measures the work that is performed by the heart through driving the flow of blood all over the body. If the blood pressure is high, then one is at a higher chance of getting stroke and heart disease, kidney failure, or arteries could be hardened thus leading to coronary artery disease. Therefore, systems to offer constant surveillance and to help patients in upholding blood pressure control over a period are critical to decreasing morbidity and mortality (Sudano et al., 2010). The enhanced use of evidence-based methods for managing hypertension and the growth of focused care management curriculums that encourage collaborative care have the perspective to increase enormously control rates. This method has been seen to achieve the best control measures hence reducing the occurrence of CAD. Furthermore, lifestyle counselling, home monitoring, and proper medication management, especially in the context of a structured, evidence-based method for long-term governing, constitute a robust tool for effective management of hypertension and enhanced health results for the hypertensive patients (Health, 2015). Sudano, I., Flammer, A. J., Periat, D., Enseleit, F., Hermann, M., Wolfrum, M., †¦ Ruschitzka, F. (2010). Acetaminophen Increases Blood Pressure in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Copy Protection Of Fashion Design Is A Futile Exercise Speech or Presentation
Copy Protection Of Fashion Design Is A Futile Exercise - Speech or Presentation Example The main topic of the work is to study â€Å"high†fashion and mass production fashion in the USA. The goal of the work is to describe the core mechanism of new fashion ideas appearance and how it is related to copyright laws. It is through the practice of taking the design of one and re-imagining it that the fashion industry in America manages to thrive and exist even during the times of depression. The conclusion the writer makes is fashion for both men and women can only presented a certain number of ways. The only thing that keeps the design fresh and innovative are the various small modifications made by other designs based upon their predecessors work or their current imagination. The author points out that smaller fashion houses thrive on the basis of free enterprise and competition which allows fashion not to become an overpriced, elitist representation of modern civilization that can only be afforded by a few. The author also studies the problems of fashion industry i n the USA. The real problem in the fashion industry is not the fact that designers get â€Å"inspiration†from one another, but rather, that there are unscrupulous individuals who copy their labels which are protected under the trademark laws. The fashion industry of America does not need protecting, it thrives under the copycat enterprise. Those small fashion houses that create modified versions of the current trends don't misrepresent the items as high fashion. The actual harm comes from the fake designer label fashion originating in Asia that poses the real threat to fashion industry. . ... These small fashion houses have the ability to mass produce an exact replica or a modified replica (as is always the case) of the current fashion trends fresh off the fashion runway of New York. People like Furstenberg are elitists who, in my humble opinion, believe that high couture belongs only in the hands of the ruling elite, while run of the mill fashion belongs to everyone else. What is truly ironic about these people's cause is that they are led by a woman (Furstenberg) who would actually be found guilty of violating the IDPPA. She credits herself and bemoans the fact her design for a green wrap around dress, which is on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art has been redesigned and modified countless times by innumerable fashion designers without giving her the acknowledgment that is due her as the creator of the â€Å"original†design. However, a quick look into the history of this type of fashion design dates all the way back to the time of the ancient Greeks who had men and women sporting the earliest designs of the wrap as part of the dress fashion of ancient times. Not to forget also that, according to Johanna Blakely (2011) : â€Å"If credit were to be given to the â€Å"creator,†many students of fashion would probably think you meant Claire McCardell, a successful American designer who introduced a wrap-around dress to the American market in 1942. It was called the â€Å"popover†and it was originally made of denim, but she eventually transformed the design for dresses, coats and beach wraps. â€Å" The above scenario further proves the futility of copy righting a design to only one person for a period of 3 years as prescribed in the IDPPA. One only has to realize that fashion in every sense of the
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